Ultimate Movie Package

Fast Delivery

Love movies? Then you’ll love a HOYTS Ultimate Movie Package voucher – wrapping up the magic of the movies in the fastest and most convenient little bundle.

Each HOYTS E-Voucher is redeemable online and at any HOYTS location in New Zealand for:

- 2 general admission tickets
- 1 large popcorn
- 2 small post-mix drinks including Frozone
- 2 ice creams or choc tops (all ice cream types and flavours vary by site)

Please note: check your local HOYTS Cinema ticket prices before purchasing as standard session prices may vary depending on location.

How Digital Delivery Works
48hr Delivery or Schedule for Later

Need a present ASAP? HOYTS E-Gift Cards deliver anywhere, anytime and can be redeemed for movie tickets, Candy Bar items and even merchandise! Just choose a design and the amount, write a message (optional) and we'll deliver straight to the recipients inbox! E-Gift Cards are sent within 48 hours of purchase, or can be scheduled for a later date - a perfect option for future birthdays and special occasions.

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Personalise Your Gift

Make your gift personal by writeing a message (if you want to) and we’ll deliver straight to their inbox

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Build a Bundle

Build a gift bundle of Gift cards vouchers and more. Make the perfect gift box.

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Physical or Digital

Pick a Physical or digital gift card option to best suit your needs