Thank You E-Gift Cards

Fast Delivery

Need the perfect way to say thank you, ASAP? HOYTS E-Gift Cards are the perfect solution for saying thank you, no matter the occasion! Deliver anywhere, anytime and can be redeemed for movie tickets including HOYTS LUX tickets, bar items, candy bar items and even merchandise.

Just choose your amount, write a message (if you want to) and we’ll deliver straight to their inbox. Show your appreciation with a HOYTS E-Gift Card today!

How Digital Delivery Works
48hr Delivery or Schedule for Later

Need a present ASAP? HOYTS E-Gift Cards deliver anywhere, anytime and can be redeemed for movie tickets, Candy Bar items and even merchandise! Just choose a design and the amount, write a message (optional) and we'll deliver straight to the recipients inbox! E-Gift Cards are sent within 48 hours of purchase, or can be scheduled for a later date - a perfect option for future birthdays and special occasions.

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Personalise Your Gift

Make your gift personal by writeing a message (if you want to) and we’ll deliver straight to their inbox

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Build a Bundle

Build a gift bundle of Gift cards vouchers and more. Make the perfect gift box.

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Physical or Digital

Pick a Physical or digital gift card option to best suit your needs