Senior E-Voucher

Senior E-Voucher

Fast Delivery

Experience the gift of movie magic with a HOYTS Senior E-Voucher, the perfect treat for a friend or to yourself. Dive into a world of cinematic wonders with our hassle-free E-Voucher, exclusively for 60+ seniors.

Unlock the movie experience of tomorrow with this convenient E-Voucher, accessible for all HOYTS cinemas across New Zealand. Delivered by email, our E-Vouchers offer seamless online or box office redemption for a movie of choice. Embrace the silver screen with our senior discount movie tickets, ensuring an affordable yet delightful cinematic journey. With the senior discount already applied, relish your favourite films for less!

How Digital Delivery Works
48hr Delivery or Schedule for Later

Need a present ASAP? HOYTS E-Gift Cards deliver anywhere, anytime and can be redeemed for movie tickets, Candy Bar items and even merchandise! Just choose a design and the amount, write a message (optional) and we'll deliver straight to the recipients inbox! E-Gift Cards are sent within 48 hours of purchase, or can be scheduled for a later date - a perfect option for future birthdays and special occasions.

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Personalise Your Gift

Make your gift personal by writeing a message (if you want to) and we’ll deliver straight to their inbox

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Build a Bundle

Build a gift bundle of Gift cards vouchers and more. Make the perfect gift box.

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Physical or Digital

Pick a Physical or digital gift card option to best suit your needs